Documenting local biodiversity # 1
Hans hangs with Ignacio (tribal elder) at front of boat. Neither of them speak Spanish nor their respective tongues, yet they find a way to communicate all day. Sign language. Universal Grammar. Whatever. They want to communicate, so they do. Both find knowledge rewarding plus the highs and buzzes you get from calling something out by name. End of the day, Hans comes away having learned more than 40 plant names in Yekuana and how they have helped these people survive in the forest for millennia. ALL three students btw completed their own science project during the stay (we didn't get much sleep). Derrick on snakebite and health, Shern on ethno-entomology and the use of 'hunting cures', Hans on yekuana agromedicinals, neutraceuticals and magical plants. The village accepted that knowledge and this blog be 'brought back', with the caveat that we return and exchange more. Indians are very tired of being exploited. Wouldn't you?
Image (c) Val Druguet.